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HP LaserJet Pro MFP M28a Not Scanning on Mac

HP LaserJet Pro MFP M28a Scan Function Does Not Work Out-of-the-Box on Mac Computers

HP LaserJet Pro MFP M28a

HP LaserJet Pro MFP M28a served my expectations as far as printing is concerned -- good crisp black and white prints. Probably a legacy of the long experience of HP products as far as laser printing is concerned. For printing, I am pleased with it.

Copying is also good, easy copying with one button copy feature.

HP LaserJet Pro MFP M28a is a multi-function printer which can also perform scanning and this is where it failed - it does not work with Mac computers. I have two macs and it does not work on both. I have done many troubleshooting and there is no solution found yet, even an HP employee responding to the official HP community stated that this model is not supported on Mac with the latest macOS (Mojave). I am not prepared to downgrade my macOS just to accommodate this printer.

HP LaserJet Pro MFP M28 is working on a Windows PC.

Here is another feedback that surprised me, this model actually worked on Mac if you use a third-party software called Vuescan.  I downloaded a trial copy of it and I confirm it works, so clearly HP has not provided the right software for this printer because a third-party software developer was able to make it work and the out of the box software and the online downloadable software from HP is not working.

I also have another Brother Multi-function printer/scanner which works on my mac. So HP LaserJet Pro MFP M28 does not work with macOS Mojave and HP and Apple have not collaborated well as far as this is concerned. For that, I give this a 2-star rating. If you are planning to use this on a mac, I don't recommend it.

Update: 28 March 2019
Due to my posting in the HP Support Community, I received a private message from somebody who calls himself an "HP Employee" who gave me a new firmware that is not found in the official HP support website.  This new firmware now worked on my Mac.  I am surprised that HP still has the old 2018 firmware posted and they have not published the corrected firmware yet on their HP Laserjet Pro MFP M28 official support site so I'm holding my final verdict on this one until such time we see it public.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you for your explanation. You saved me a lot of time. Could you share this firmware with me? It is still not available on their website.

  3. Thank you for your information. I have the same problem, too. Could you share this firmware with me? It is still not available on their website.

  4. Where can buy best HP M28a Printer in Uae, HP M28a LaserJet Pro Printer in Uae, Hp Monochrome Printer in Uae


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